close up der Woche #20/20 -DBX 162 SL Studio Compressor
Filed under: Aliens-Project,Bernd-Michael Land,Close-Up der Woche,Synthesizer & more,SynxsS-Studio Aliens-Project,Bernd-Michael Land,Close-Up der Woche,Synthesizer & more,SynxsS-Studio — Schlagwörter: aliens-project, Ambient-Music, Analog-Synthesizer, berlin school berliner schule, bernd-michael-land, Close-Up der Woche, Club of the Knobs, Compressor/Limiter, DBX 162SL, electronic music – elektronische musik, Moog Synthesizer, musician musiker, relax chillout new age, rodgau hainhausen, Synxss-Studio — — Bernie @ 16 Mai 2020 07:00