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20 Nov. 2008 12:13

Cuemix-Magazine: Rezension „Behind the blue Room“

Filed under: Aliens-Project Aliens-Project — Schlagwörter: , — — Bernie @ 20 Nov. 2008 12:13

Aliens-Project – Behind The Blue Room 

Title:Behind The Blue Room
Artist:Aliens Project
Release: Autumn 2008
Label: Elektro Kartell
Web: www.aliens-project.de

Ok, I am honest, when I received the newest release called “Behind The Blue Room” of Aliens Project based near Frankfurt I was really sceptic. The artwork and the press pics looked different to all those you receive from the mainstream and modern labels. But after reading the info and listening to the album I had to change my first impression. Aliens Project is a musical experience with background and history. Founded in 1974 this genius project creates synthetic music with a human touch. Synthmusic with soul, a futuristic vision and with soul, far away from the mainstream electronic music.
“Behind The Blue Room” is a fascinating album that takes its listener by the hand to another dimension. Dreamy, laid-back soundscapes telling visionary stories. Listen and dream music without any compromise. I love people who walk their own way and do what they got to do. These fifteen wonderful tracks, no songs based on genius soundscapes, own a unique identity and sound. Handmade synthesizer music will never become out of fashion as long people keep like Aliens Project invest all their love, talent and time in creating such a nonesuch album. Don’t be misled by the fact that they are using synthesizers in the way Klaus Schulze or Kraftwerk did it decades ago, this music comes straight out of the soul of its creator right into the electronic circuits of the synthesizers, this isn’t a revival this is genius. A wonderful and mesmerizing album owning a unique organic and nonesuch sound.
A perfect ten.

First listen than judge – 100% approvable.


Hier ist die Original Rezension aus dem Cuemix-Magazine 

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